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“ What is done
     with time,
time will respect. ”

Auguste Rodin.
Logo Chateau  Monestier La Tour


Vintage 2022 Back to list

2022: a superb, sunny vintage. Château Monestier La Tour had a rough ride in terms of weather, with frost in the spring, hail in June and a drought in the summer. However, 2022 should be an exceptional year.

After a slightly drier than usual winter, low night-time temperatures in March resulted in a bud break 15 days later than in 2021, on 1 April.

Thanks to this delayed start, the frosts at the beginning of April had far less dramatic consequences than in 2021, particularly for the Sauvignon Blanc on the Pigeonnier plot.

April was the only month of the year when temperatures were more or less average, slowing the vines’ development.

By May, summer was already in the air, with daytime temperatures of more than 30°C, which considerably accelerated the vines’ growth.

Flowering began in mid-May and was rapid and uniform, with no coulure problems.

On the night of 1/2 June, a violent hailstorm hit the Château d’eau plots of Sémillon. Around 50% of the harvest from 8 ha was destroyed, but good regrowth nevertheless produced a few bunches.

June once again brought very high temperatures and the first heatwave. There was some rain, mainly in the form of thunderstorms, but this did not result in a particularly high risk of disease.

The heat continued into July, limiting the development of the berries. The early nature of the vintage was confirmed with the véraison (when the grapes change colour) starting in the second half of July.

At the end of July, signs of sun scald appeared on the Merlot grapes, fortunately without any consequences.

August was dry and warm, with reasonable night-time temperatures. There was some rain, providing favourable conditions for the red grapes to ripen.

Biodynamic methods played a major role in managing water stress for this vintage. 5 a.m.: dynamizing of comfrey, yarrow and nettle infusions to help the vines manage the stress associated with the heat. Horn manure treatments also helped to make the vines more resistant to drought.

Fewer tisanes were made, i.e. 5 in 2022 compared to 13 in 2021, due to a lower risk of mildew.

2022 yield: 28hL/ha.


Harvest dates for dry white and rosé wines


Night of 29 to 30/08/2022: harvest of the Sauvignon Blanc from the Pigeonnier. Always at night to preserve the aromatic freshness.

Night of 1 to 2/09/2022: harvest of the Muscadelle and Sauvignon Blanc from Les Tuilières.

Daytime 2/09/2022: manual harvesting of the old Sémillon from the Château d’eau and the Muscadelle from La Tour.

Night of 3 to 4/09/2022: harvest of the Merlot from the Pigeonnier with a few rows of Cabernet Franc for our rosé.

Daytime 07/10/2022: manual harvest of the Sémillon and the Muscadelle from La Tour for the Saussignac.


Harvest dates for red wines


Night of 14 to 15/09/2022: harvest of the Merlot from the Pigeonnier and the Malbec from La Tour.

Night of 16 to 17/09/2022: end of harvest of the Merlot from La Tour.

Daytime 22/09: manual harvest of the Château d’eau plots and Cabernet Franc for our Grand Vin.

Night of 23 to 24/09/2022: harvest of the Cabernet Franc from the Tuilières.

Daytime 25/09/2022: end of harvesting of the Cabernet Franc from La Tour.


Characteristics of the 2022 vintage


Despite the challenging weather conditions, the 2022 wines are balanced and harmonious; a very pleasant freshness has been preserved, accompanied by a spicy, fruity character without any notes of over-ripeness for our reds.

The whites are exuberant, enveloping and energetic thanks to Château Monestier La Tour’s clay and limestone soil.

The 2022 vintage produced wines with great natural concentration that are rich, supple and smooth without losing their freshness.

The wines should be very appealing: bright rather than sunny, deep and dynamic. These are radiant wines of the highest quality, comparable to exceptional vintages such as 1945, 1961, 1982, and 2020.